Make people SEE and REMEMBER the brand
Get people to UNDERSTAND and WANT the brand
Get people to UNDERSTAND and
WANT the brand
Change people's BEHAVIOR and get them to CONVERT
Change people's BEHAVIOR and
get them to CONVERT
Take care of people to CONVERT OFTEN and ADVOCATE the brand
Take care of people to CONVERT OFTEN and
ADVOCATE the brand
U News
Trust, security and convenience were major factors
Doanh nghiệp địa phương trên Đại lộ số 3 tại Bến cảng Stone, N.J.
Why do people choose to shop locally? More than 85 percent of people surveyed by Facebook IQ, the social network’s research arm, cited trust and security as their main motivation.
Facebook IQ commissioned a survey of more than 6,000 local businesses and over 10,000 people in the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland and Canada by third-party international market research and analytics company Factworks, and its findings included:
Facebook IQ wrote in a blog post revealing its survey results, “When determining whether people prefer to shop online or offline, the differences often depended on a person’s affinity for online shopping. Those who prefer to shop at local stores cite liking that goods are immediately available and close by, and that there are no shipping costs, again touching on values such as price and convenience. Those who prefer to shop online cite liking the option to shop from home, at any time of the day, and the option to compare prices.”
The social network’s research arm also shared these takeaways for local businesses:
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